Live, Love, Leak Less!

A Pelvic Health & Strength Seminar for Moms

March 22, 2025, 12:30 PM

Struggling with core weakness, leaks, or lower back pain after having your baby? You’re not alone! Your pelvic floor has been through a lot, and recovery is key to feeling strong and confident again.

Join our Pelvic Floor Recovery Seminar to learn how to safely rebuild strength, prevent long-term issues, and regain control of your body. Led by Dr. Veronica Brugmann, pelvic floor physical therapist (read her bio) and Jenny Wyne, Pre & Postnatal Fitness Specialist, this workshop will provide essential guidance on healing, exercises, and practical tips for postpartum wellness. Your recovery matters—let’s get stronger together!


Past CFE Events

New Year, New You

From Resolutions to Results

Saturday, Feb 8, 9-10am

80% of new year resolutions fail by February! Join us Feb 8th to learn how to break the "Resolution Cycle" and change your mindset to set yourself up for success. You will hear about the reality behind resolutions, tipe you can carry into the entire year and 3 core principles that have helped over 45,000 people globally!


Restore routine

NUTRITION & Wellness Workshop

August 24th at 11:00 AM

Get some actionable takeaways to get yourself and family ready to (Re)establish a routine as we head back-to-school and close out summer. 

Taste some yummy and easy to prepare healthy smoothies

Check out the new Inbody 270 Biometric Scale

A poster for a free nutrition and wellness workshop on saturday , august 24th at 11 am.

2024 goblin games

october 20th, 2024

Grab your besties and join us for a three-person partner Spook-tacular fun competition.

  • Teams of 3, any format (MMF/FFM/FFF/MMM), Scaled and Rx divisions.
  • Teams will complete 3 workouts that will be announced in advance.
  • Top teams per division will advance to the finals.

Register by October 4th to get a Goblin Games shirt included with registration!!

Test your strength, endurance, gymnastics and competitive spirit in this fun and friendly competition.

A logo for crossfit enforce goblin games 2024

Free Pelvic Floor Workshop

June 22 at 11am

Join us June 22 at 11:00 am for a FREE pelvic floor workshop provided by Dr. Veronica Brugmann.

You can expect to learn about the pelvic floor, the different types of pelvic floor dysfunction, and different types of leakage. We will be going over 3-4 exercises that can immediately help you.

Dr. Veronica Brugmann is a pelvic floor physical therapist, avid CrossFitter, and educator. You can learn more about Dr. Veronica and Pelvic Floor PT by clicking the button below.

A woman wearing a purple shirt with the letter p on it

Powerlifting Competition to benefit Fisher House

MAY 19th

— Doors open at 11:30
— Athlete brief at noon
— First lift 15-20 minutes following the brief


Join us for our annual Powerlifting Competition, an accessible, low pressure opportunity to test your strength.

You will have 3 attempts each of deadlift, bench press and squat. Heaviest weight successfully lifted for each of the three movements will be added together for one total.

Want one more attempt?? Donate an additional $5 to Fisher House and get an extra lift.

100% of the $25 registration fees will go to Fisher House, a charity that provides housing for military and veteran families while their loved ones receive medical treatment. To read more about the mission and work of Fisher House go to:

Donate now to FISHER HOUSE

An advertisement for powerlift for a great cause

CrossFit Kids Spring

Ages 5-7: Thursdays, 5:30-6:30pm; March 21 - April 2

Ages 8-13: Sundays, 10-11am; March 17 - April 5

Programming for each group is tailored to and delivered in an age-appropriate manner that serves to achieve different goals.

The focus for ages 5-7 is heavily on having fun and learning about moving their bodies. 

Ages 8-13 will start to be a little more challenged to discover that hard work could be just as much fun a games. The overall goal is still to keep kids moving, have fun and enjoy exercise. 

Kids who partake in CrossFit find that it helps them perform better in their chosen sport as well. Since CrossFit elicits a broad and well-rounded level of fitness, the benefits easily carry over into other sports and can be a great compliment to sport-specific training.

Powerlifting Program

APRIL 2 – MAY 16, 7:30 - 8:45 PM

PRICE: $300

Join us for this 7-week course focused around the three movements comprising the sport of Powerlifting - bench press, squat and deadlift. You will learn about proper form, mechanics and drills for improvement across each of the movements all while working safely under the watchful guidance of Coach Kamil. 

The CrossFit Enforce Powerlifting program will be a dedicated program capped with a fun and supportive in-house competition on Sunday, May 19th

Spaces are limited, so reserve your spot today and embark on a journey to unlock your full strength potential!

A man is squatting with a barbell in a gym.

Fueling for Performance! 

February 21st, 5:30pm

FREE Seminar by Coach Ashley

Learn how to fuel properly ahead of workouts, in order to give yourself the best opportunity to improve! As well as how to use food as recovery, in order to do it all again the next day.

A bowl of food with rice , avocado , cucumbers , and purple cabbage.

Weightlifting Meet

December 2nd, 10am

Combining our CFE superpowers in one event: fitness, nutrition, community and fun.

No pressure mock meet in a super supportive environment rasing money to help feed families in need during the holiday season. Entry fee is $20 and 100% of the funds will go directly to Manna Food Bank.

You will get 3 attempts at both the Snatch and Clean and Jerk. Your lift will be judged using CrossFit standards. 

There are no prizes - just pride!

Pantry items are also being collected between Dec 1 and 11. Check out the most needed food list.

CFE Goblin Games

October 29, 2023

Grab your besties and join us for a three-person partner competition.

Four divisions:

M/M/M Rx and M/M/M Scaled

F/F/F Rx and F/F/F Scaled

*Top 3 teams from each division will move to the finals*

*Prizes for top finishers*

Click the LINK below for more information and to register.

A logo for crossfit enforce goblin games
A man made out of shredded paper is lifting dumbbells.

Get Shredded with CFE!

October 22, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm

Come to our free community Open House and Shred it event. 

Time to shred all of those documents cluttering your home and office. Gather up the old receipts, statements, contracts, anything that you just don't want to toss in the trash, and bring them to CFE.

The truck and gym will be open from 11am - 2pm and will be conveniently located in front of the gym at 7581 Beechcraft Ave. Ste F&G 

Shoulder Workshop presented by "Little" Rich Kelly, DPT

10:00 am, September 30th

Join our very own Dr. "Little" Rich Kelly as he walks attendees through self-identifying the different parts of the shoulder and some interactive exercises for continued shoulder health. Rich is part of the Rehab 2 Perform team practicing out of the Bethesda location. R2P has multiple locations with offices also in Germantown, Mt Airy and Frederick. 

A man in a red shirt is standing next to a whiteboard in a gym.

Knee Pain Anyone?

Coach Griff’s Knee Seminar

June 6th at 7:30pm

Learn about the anatomy of the knee, common injuries, proper movement and some take-away pre- and post-WOD mobility to prevent and/or reduce knee pain.

Summer Ready Nutrition

Free Seminar to help guide your summer fitness

Join us Tuesday, May 9th for a practical seminar on Summer Ready Nutrition. You'll learn about: 

🍉The most important keys for summer fitness and how to prioritize them.

👩‍🍳Practical tips/products to make your everyday food exciting even on a busy schedule.

🍹Having fun on vacation without derailing your fitness.

An advertisement for a summer nutrition seminar on tuesday may 9th

The Ultimate Powelifting Challenge!

Are you ready to show off your strength?

CFE Powerlifting Competition, May 7th!

Test your limits and compete against other athletes. 

  • With prizes for the top male and female lifters, this is an event you won't want to miss. 
  • Registration fee $25.
  • 8:00 am athlete check-in; 8:30am start
  • You will have 3 attempts each of deadlift, bench press and squat. Heaviest weight successfully lifted for each of the three movements will be added together for one total.
  • Want one more attempt?? Donate $5 to the “Pop-the-Top” Go Fund Me page to help off-set medical expenses for our dear friend Jimmy K. 

Join us April 22nd to celebrate 10 years of CFE! 

9:00 AM WOD

Pancake and Sausage Breakfast to follow.

A logo for celebrating 10 years of crossfit
A logo for alpha project physio & performance with a letter p in a circle.

Alpha Project Physio at CFE Feburary 17th

Alpha Project will be on site at CFE the first day of the Open. Stop by the table to discuss any questions or concerns you may have. Some aces, pains, reduced or restricted mobility. They are ready to help. To ensure you have a time sign-up in advance - click the button!

December 10th Hometown Hero WOD, Noah Leotta

9:00 AM WOD

This hero workout is dedicated to Police Officer Noah Aaron Leotta, Montgomery County Police Dept., MD, who was killed in the line of duty on December 10, 2015, after being struck by a drunk driver while working at a sobriety checkpoint.

The workout was designed by Montgomery County Fire Fighter and CFE member, Chase Owens. Chase’s wife was in the academy class with Noah and he programmed the WOD in honor of Noah’s life and out of respect for the fellow Law Enforcement officers at the gym.

The rep scheme signifies:

  • 2,747 meter buy-in for Noah’s badge number
  • 12-10-15 for the date when he died
  • 24 minutes and Box Jumps for the age when he passed away.

Noah was a product of Montgomery County Maryland. He was born in Holy Cross Hospital on June 7, 1991, lived in Olney, went to Sherwood High School and attended Montgomery College Rockville. Noah interned with the MCPD for 12 months under Officer John Romack, the “DUI King”. This is how Noah became keenly aware of the deadly impact of drunk drivers on our roadways and developed his passion to get drunk drivers off the road.

Noah’s legacy of saving lives continues. On October 1, 2016 with the enactment of Noah’s Law an interlock device must be installed in the car of all convicted drunk drivers and increases suspension times in the state of Maryland.

For more information go to Officer Noah Leotta Foundation

The logo for montgomery county department of police
A poster for a pelvic floor workshop on saturday july 30 at 10:30 am

Pelvic Floor Seminar with Dr. Veronica Burgmann

Pelvic Floor Seminar with Dr. Veronica Burgmann

Saturday July 30th at 10:30am

Open to CFE members and the public

Everyone has a pelvic floor. It’s made up of the muscles that support the urinary and reproductive tracts. This group of muscles also controls your bladder and bowels.

The pelvic floor muscles attach to your tail bone and pubic bone. If the muscles in the pelvic floor are weak or don’t work as they should, this is called pelvic floor dysfunction. When you have pelvic floor dysfunction, your pelvic muscles can’t relax or work together the way they should.

This can lead to symptoms such as: low back/tailbone pain, difficulty/pain during intimacy, urinary urgency/frequency, constipation.

Veronica will be discussing how to identify if you have pelvic floor dysfunction and what you can do to alleviate your symptoms.

CFE Goblin Games

October 22, 2022

Get ready to throw down with the CFE Crew for our 1st CrossFit Competition. This CrossFit Enforce members only competition will have two divisions, Rx and Scaled. Teams can be of any gender or combination within the division – don’t worry we will ensure equity!! Not sure which division – see the guidance below or ask a coach.

*Top 3 teams from each division will move to the finals*

*Prizes for top finishers, best costume (yessss), and a few other surprise categories*





Link to register:

A drawing of a monster with its mouth open
A man with a tattoo on his arm is lifting a barbell in a gym.

Enforce Weightlifting Program

Announcing our USA Weightlifting Affiliation as:

Enforce Weightlifting Club

The Club will initially target the Tough Temple Open, July 16-17, 2022.

12-week preparatory program. led by Coach Kamil, starts April 26th and includes:

Two 90+ minute classes per week (Tuesdays and Thursday at 7:15pm)

Individualized lifting, mobility “homework” and training plan

Mock meet prior to the event

Coaching during the event

Enforce Weightlifting Club shirt

$350 per person. Attendance is capped at 15 participants. Link to register.

Participating in the Tough Temple Open is not mandatory but highly recommended

Women's Nutrition Seminar

Join us for this free Ladies ONLY seminar open to the public

Mastering the Master Years

Wednesday, May 25th at 7:30

Kris and Flavia will be discussing how to use nutrition and fitness to help manage menopause. With topics like:

  • What the hell just happened?
  • Stages of the ages: peri on up
  • Some really annoying issues: sleep, sweats, tummy troubles, and hormones (It’s my metabolism, right?)
  • Possibilities of aging gracefully as women athletes or just being the best we can be
A poster for a women 's nutrition seminar on wednesday may 25th
The logo for montgomery county department of police

CrossFit with a Cop

May 7th

Officer and Coach Todd will lead the group in a fun filled workout to get you moving and introduce you to what CrossFit has to offer for busy families to stay fit together. Then spend some time with Officer/Coach Todd to learn about the day-in-the-life of a Montgomery Country police officer, checkout the inside of a patrol car and maybe even win a prize. All ages are welcome to attend this community building free event.

Workout sessions start at 9:30 and 11:30am. Officer meet and greet is at 10:30 am.

Registration appreciated at Eventbrite CrossFit with a Cop

Push-Pull Workshop

Saturday, April 9, 2022

10:15 am- 12:15 pm

$35 per person

This 2-hour workshop run by Coach Robert and Dimitri is designed to give you the tools to improve your strict pushing and pulling power. During the two hours participants will gain practical information about the mechanics of both strict pull-ups and handstand push-ups as well as “homework” to make practical gains. Athletes will spend the majority of the time with hands-on training and application of the concepts. This is for athletes who want to improve capacity be it to get a 1st strict PU/HSPU or increase repetitions:  Limited to 16 people.

A poster for a push-pull workshop on april 8 2022

What are you waiting for? Join Crossfit Enforce today!

Schedule your free intro session today to discover what CrossFit Enforce is all about.

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